Why Choose AMR Over AGV? An In-Depth Comparative Analysis

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From the previous analysis, we have learned that the biggest difference between AGVs and AMRs is the level of intelligence. Is AGV completely useless, then? Why does AGV still exist?

The answer is cost. Since AGVs emerged quite early, many factories used AGVs for their early automation solutions. This creates a dilemma: should the expensive AGV system, which has invested a lot of money and manpower in training and maintenance, be abandoned? It is obviously very difficult to make this decision. Therefore, for factories that originally used AGVs, they will continue to use them due to inertia.

For new factories, whether to use AGVs or AMRs, they do not have the historical burden to consider and can completely set aside the specialized, high-deployment-cost AGVs in favor of the more flexible and versatile AMRs.The specialization of AGVs is only suitable for specific scenarios, which is both its advantage and disadvantage.

So, after reading this, I believe you already know which one you should choose.


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